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As we step into the month of June, we wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate something very important: Pride Month.

Pride Month serves as a reminder of the progress we have made towards creating a more equitable and inclusive society, as well as the work that still lies ahead. It’s an opportunity for us to reflect on the importance of celebrating and embracing the diverse identities and experiences that enrich our lives with different perspectives. At GOG, we firmly believe that diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords, but fundamental principles that drive innovation, foster collaboration, and enable us to simply grow as people, as well.

To celebrate Pride Month, our queer team members selected the variety of games containing LGBTQAI+ themes and characters, all available on GOG. Inclusive environments and diverse characters create a safe space to have fun and express yourself for all kinds of gamers!

This time, we decided to choose a slightly different approach, to make browsing LGBTQAI+ games much easier; instead of just one collection, we created a whole page and divided it into categories.

Among such, we’ve created a list of games containing masculine romance representation – we’ve gathered all the games we could think of that include romance representation between male characters. Whether it’s Kerry Eurodyne in Cyberpunk 2077, Kim Kitsuragi in Disco Elysium, or Nailsmith in Hollow Knight, we tried our best to get them all! If you have any other recommendations that slipped our attention though, feel free to share them with us.

Another category you’ll notice is, of course, a set of games containing female romance representation. Through the emotional story of Unpacking, walking alongside protagonists of Life is Strange, getting to know Undyne in Undertale, and even more – we’re sure they’ll all steal your hearts!

In Choose-Your-Gender category, we’ve gathered games that allow you to play around and choose your gender representation in the virtual world freely. It’s a great way to explore your own identity, as well as try to put yourself in other people’s shoes – all while being in the safety of your own game, NPCs, without an ounce of worry about judgement.

Last but not least, we’re proud to present a list of games featuring transgender characters. Representation of trans people in video games is just as important as in any other media – and we couldn’t be happier to see the number of them slowly growing. Meet Claire ( Cyberpunk 2077), Sam ( Normal Lost Phone), Jackie ( Night in the Woods), and many more!

Let’s celebrate Pride Month – and together, make love last forever!
FNReminderMan: It seems to me that this thread heavily censored and doesn't seem to reflect the values or opinions of the average user.

Thankfully telling people that is not against the forums rules.
On what source are you basing the values and opinions of the average user?

I expect the thread is heavily censored as this is an issue that many people feel strongly about and some have rather extreme positions on.

That the thread remains open despite the resources that must be devoted to monitoring it speaks well of their effort to permit discussion of the issue so long as it stays in reasonable bounds.
mechmouse: Again, thats just silencing of the LGBT+ community and giving in to far right bigotry.
It is not. It is taking the "no politics" rule of the forum seriously. The thinking that this is a fight here is also the reason why this thread has become political instead of a talk about games of a sale.
Lodium: Why are people acting like Gay and lesbian people are the same thing as Trans people?
They are not
Many gay and lesbians feel their struggle have been hijacked by the additonal letters
and they dont nececarly agree with all the acttion of the "LGBT+ comunity as a whole
mechmouse: Given that the Pride riots was started by a Black Trans Woman, the T has been there from the beginning.

This narrative that the LGB side wants to split from the T is the creation of far right activists.

Are there Trans Exclusionary LGB people, absolutely, hell there are even Trans Exclusionary Trans people, but they're a tiny fraction of the community. the vast number of LGB people stand firmly behind their Trans Sisters and brothers.
You are asuming then they have left the group
and are not voicing their concerns or critique as part of the group
And its only rigth wing propaganda to claim otherwise

A little reminder
I didnt say any of these splitting from the group
or creating a new group separete from origin group
Post edited June 07, 2023 by Lodium
neumi5694: The moment you want something as or for a group, you are becoming political. Even if you say: "I as a man (or woman), want ...", you are political.
LGBT+ is often used as a name for a group of people, like men or women is. I'm just saying I can see why there are differing opinions on if it's a political term or not.

Lodium: Why are people acting like Gay and lesbian people are the same thing as Trans people?
They are not
neumi5694: Since I have no real insight in that (most of all the trans thing), I believe you unquestioned. I basically followed the lead of the quoted post, without reflecting too much. I should have written "non-binary" instead of "trans".
Gay and lesbian are sexualities refering to who you're attracted to. Trans is when your gender doesn't (or didn't) match your body. Non-binary is another gender. Some non-binary people consider themselves to be trans and some don't.

I think they tend to be lumped together because of facing some similar issues with society (and, for some, a desire to offer mutual support).
HappyPunkPotato: Gay and lesbian are sexualities refering to who you're attracted to. Trans is when your gender doesn't (or didn't) match your body. Non-binary is another gender. Some non-binary people consider themselves to be trans and some don't.

I think they tend to be lumped together because of facing some similar issues with society (and, for some, a desire to offer mutual support).
mechmouse: Given that the Pride riots was started by a Black Trans Woman, the T has been there from the beginning.

This narrative that the LGB side wants to split from the T is the creation of far right activists.

Are there Trans Exclusionary LGB people, absolutely, hell there are even Trans Exclusionary Trans people, but they're a tiny fraction of the community. the vast number of LGB people stand firmly behind their Trans Sisters and brothers.
Lodium: You are asuming then they have left the group
and are not voicing their concerns or critique as part of the group
And its only rigth wing propaganda to claim otherwise

A little reminder
I didnt say any of these splitting from the group
or creating a new group separete from origin group
If they're trans exclusionary then they're not part of the LGBT+ community
Supporting people who are trans won't kill them though. (Assuming you're talking about being trans with this comparison - unless you're concerned about people being encouraged die from having too much gay sex.)
Post edited June 08, 2023 by Clownski_
HappyPunkPotato: Supporting people who are trans won't kill them though. (Assuming you're talking about being trans with this comparison - unless you're concerned about people being encouraged die from having too much gay sex.)
Using the word "support" us begging the question. There was a girl who died of complications from the thing installed on her from her forearm graft. And just taking the forearm skin causes complications by itself.
The obvious difference, which do doubt you've been told (many times) and just elect to ignore is this:-

It is well studied and documented that gender affirming care drastically improves the quality of life of those who have it, mentally and physically.

Gender affirming care has the lowest regret rate of any medical care. A higher percentage of people lament having life saving cancer treatment than regret a gender affirming alterations to their bodies.
Post edited June 08, 2023 by Clownski_
This has been explained over and over ... it is not about "pride" in the sense of "I am so good ... I am even better than the rest" (which would mean the sin you are referring to) it is about "not being ashamed" and to celebrate that you don't need to hide anymore. So next please, since I still don't see anything even remotely disgusting here.
Post edited June 08, 2023 by Clownski_
amok: IN the spirit of this thread, a good educational video from the bilogist Forrest Valkai about sex and gender that more people really need to watch,
I just finished watching. It was very informative. Thanks.
HappyPunkPotato: Supporting people who are trans won't kill them though. (Assuming you're talking about being trans with this comparison - unless you're concerned about people being encouraged die from having too much gay sex.)
el_Valdense: Using the word "support" us begging the question. There was a girl who died of complications from the thing installed on her from her forearm graft. And just taking the forearm skin causes complications by itself.
That sounds very tragic. But, I don’t consider that to be healthcare. But, I wonder how many people have complications from these type of surgeries?
Post edited June 07, 2023 by Pat Headroom
mechmouse: Again, thats just silencing of the LGBT+ community and giving in to far right bigotry.
toma85: It is not. It is taking the "no politics" rule of the forum seriously. The thinking that this is a fight here is also the reason why this thread has become political instead of a talk about games of a sale.
I think some here might argue that a "Celebrate Pride Month" is the equivalent of a "Heterosexual Pride Month"...

... whereas...

... a "Celebration of Diversity" is quite a different thing.

One is reductive... the other is inclusive.

I don't think many gamers would have issue with a diversity of games, stories, characters, etc.

Personally I don't care much about issues around the "sale"...

... but...

... moreso -- when around 1/2 the games listed (from my quick observation) aren't discounted -- it doesn't look like much of a sale.
amok: IN the spirit of this thread, a good educational video from the bilogist Forrest Valkai about sex and gender that more people really need to watch,
J Lo: I just finished watching. It was very informative. Thanks.
would have missed it if not for you :) Thanks. It's worthwile watching it indeed.
Lodium: Why are people acting like Gay and lesbian people are the same thing as Trans people?
They are not
neumi5694: Since I have no real insight in that (most of all the trans thing), I believe you unquestioned. I basically followed the lead of the quoted post, without reflecting too much. I should have written "non-binary" instead of "trans".

Lodium: Many gay and lesbians feel their struggle have been hijacked by the additonal letters
and they dont nececarly agree with all the acttion of the "LGBT+ comunity as a whole
Transgender is the umbrella term as well as a identifier for trans men and trans women. Non binary means nothing by itself.

HappyPunkPotato: This seems like a problem of semantics. When I see LGBT+, I think of a name for a group of people with some things in common before I think of a political movement.
kai2: Gay, lesbian, transgender, intersex (aka DSD) and others "in the umbrella" are just people... and not particularly political alone.

But the formation of the LGBTQIA+ community is political. It is a political formation to bring many diverse peoples (and some with opposing views and backgrounds) together for a unified political purpose.
And the problem with that is what exactly? To fight anti LGBT+ laws, which are a matter of politics, we need movements to counter those laws, which then makes the movements political.
mechmouse: LGBT+ characteristics are not inherently political, they become political through their repression.
LGBT+ People don't want their existence to be political
neumi5694: women and suffragettes
And read what other posters wrote about people not wanting to be connected with LGBT+
Not wanting to be connected to any other marginalized group while oneself being part of a marginalized group is just upholding white supremacy.
Post edited June 07, 2023 by SarahGabriella