vsr: Mentally-ill developers (or just perverts?) from Beamdog did similar stuff with Baldur's Gate EE: you can select Female voice for Male character and vice-versa.
LootHunter: Actually not. I mean, they did. But so did original BG developers - some characters could change sex (due to a curse) and their voice remained the same.
Original BG devs never allowed to have female voice if you chose male character.
And I was talking about Character Creation process, not about that artifact called "Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity".
vsr: And looks like it came unnoticed by most gamers. :/
LootHunter: Well, there were times when no-one payed attention to character's skin color or amount of clothes on female characters. Now, due to feminists and other SJWs everyone is on the edge.
Note, btw that most people's problem with Cyberpunk 2077 is that devs were afraid to call bodies male and female.
Devs should fight theirs insecurity about that. If they want to say that there are no genders - they should say it and say it loud and clear.
No need to lie to customers about such bundled political agenda.
CDP should just stand up and say: We love it (non-binary gender politics), we support it and all our next games will have it. Period.