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For this year's International Women's Day, our GOG Team members share their favorite games with strong female characters that are available on GOG.COM. Read their stories about what made them fall in love and look up to the characters, and discover their perspectives that show why representation in games is important.

Horizon Zero Dawn
By: Olguese

I loved Horizon Zero Dawn for many reasons: beautifully crafted lore, a post-apo, post-tech world that was a pleasure to look at and explore, an engaging storyline… And of course Aloy and the way she plays the cards she was dealt in life.
In her journey, she overcomes obstacles, both imposed by the social reality she lives in as well as the difficulties living in her world brings. Her unique circumstance meant she had to gain a lot of physical strength. But that is not what makes Aloy strong. Her determination to understand who she was is how she shows strength. She shows strength by overcoming fear and danger to come strongly into her own identity. And with all that, she keeps compassion and softness in her character, which shows that strength can be exercised without sacrificing one’s fragile side.
I would argue that the fact Aloy is a woman is relevant to the story and has a deeper meaning. When she discovers her origins, it becomes clear that the ways in which women can exercise strength are diverse - and all of us can work with that too. A truly inspiring juxtaposition to finish off an exciting journey - both in the machine ridden world and mental reality.

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
By: Ela
This game captivated me with its atmosphere of dread from the very first minute. Playing it was never relaxing - uncertain consequences of losing combat, voices constantly whispering in my ear, creepy visuals all contributed to an intense, immersive experience. It’s a serious game, Senua’s story is dark and at times, disturbing, and it kept me feeling invested. Also, Senua is an interesting character, with flaws and struggles that made her feel real. Add to that superb voice acting and a cool, realistic design. A game with a great story and a possibility to play as a woman who kicks everyone’s ass? Yes, please!

Night in the Woods
By: padlinka

There's something so special about the way Night in the Woods characters interact, something that felt real and relatable to me from the get go. It navigates relationships between mother and daughter, and friends who drifted apart in such a beautiful way, balancing the gloomy and the wholesome, the arguments and the good times.
I love how Mae finds common ground with her mom by talking about morbid stuff from the creepy books her mom loves (eels, honey!).
I love how both Mae and Bea are not without faults and exploring their friendship in game seriously brought me to tears.
And most of all, even though Possum Springs is a town consisting solely of quirky animals, I love how everyone in it is just so deeply human.

Whispers of a Machine
By: Tania

I started playing Whispers of a Machine just because I was looking for some new point&click. Additionally the sci-fi elements were like a cherry on top for me. I soon found out that the game is far deeper in its message than the usual puzzle and riddle solving ones. Seeing the ambiguous points of view of various characters, morality issues and the haunted past of the heroine left me pondering on my own choices and approaches as well as where do we go as humans. I really enjoyed the story and philosophical aspect that reminded me as well of Talos Principle. I highly recommend giving this title a chance.

If those stories picked your interest, and you’d like to experience them yourselves, you can find all of the games from this article, and more, in our GIRL POWER collection.
Happy International Women's Day!

I am happy to see the Walking Dead collection on here... Clem's growth over the course of those four games is phenomenal.
Happy Women's Day!
low rated
Happy *LEGIT*-women's day!
Post edited March 08, 2022 by KiNgBrAdLeY7
Happy International Women's Day. But I would also like to see International Men's Day celebrated in the same way in EQUALITY. We are all PEOPLE in the end.

There is a quote by Dr. Seuss that I like very much for its content and message. It goes like this: ''a person's a person no matter how small''.

Let us take care of our children who are truly the most vulnerable people on the planet and the future citizens of the world.
low rated
It doesn't make sense for La-Mulana to be on the list. I've played that game, and I don't remember there being a strong female character who has a significant role throughout the game. After all, the only playable main character is male.

Perhaps its sequel, La-Mulana 2, which does feature a female main character, would be a better pick for this list?
UCrest: Happy International Women's Day. But I would also like to see International Men's Day celebrated in the same way in EQUALITY. We are all PEOPLE in the end.

There is a quote by Dr. Seuss that I like very much for its content and message. It goes like this: ''a person's a person no matter how small''.

Let us take care of our children who are truly the most vulnerable people on the planet and the future citizens of the world.
Maybe hold your thoughts on International Men's Day until November? That would be a better time to discuss it, when the day in question is at hand or at least close.
Post edited March 08, 2022 by dtgreene
low rated
This game on gog looks better than some of those choices.
dtgreene: Maybe hold your thoughts on International Men's Day until November? That would be a better time to discuss it, when the day in question is at hand or at least close.
People did and then gog allowed abusive posters to get it locked by he who does it for free.

Post edited March 08, 2022 by §pec†re
You should have the original The Longest Journey on the list as well, not just Dreamfall and Dreamfall Chapters.
Interestingly enough, my edgey teen daughter loves Night in the Woods and it has kickstarted a love for her, for all manner of PC gaming ever since.

I agree that it’s a bit of a hidden masterpiece in making these fantastic animal characters all feel so human. And it really reflects how lost a young person can feel as they prepare to move on from what they have always known as home to whatever is supposed to come next.

It gave us lots to talk about, and I can’t recommend it enough.
Torchiest: You should have the original The Longest Journey on the list as well, not just Dreamfall and Dreamfall Chapters.
That's a fair point! Thank you for pointing it out, we've added it as well now :)
Interesting list, but many games aren't discounted. Anyway, thank you!
low rated
Like it's prefered in French: Happy International Women's Rights day!

This makes more sense especially for the sorry excuses of men whining about themselves when hearing about other misfortunes (that they participate in).
Some nice titles in there, though I also feel many were overlooked. Here are a couple of games I'd like to highlight for your consideration:
Dex -85% right now
Forgotton Anne -60% right now
I don't get "women's day" celebrations. Let's be real, every day is women's day.
low rated
But you refused to Publish Summer Dazed here created by a women designer for being to niche? (and yet you release porn games?)

Seems very hypocritical GOG.