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randomuser.833: ...Not anymore existing accounts are not enough?...
AstralWanderer: Highlighting a specific example, as you did above, is fine - then it can be removed. Making a blanket statement about a 100+ long list and expecting others to wade through and do the detective work doesn't serve a useful purpose.
As long as the reliability of the list is brought up over and over again, it is up to those who claim the reliability of the list to take care it is a real thing and not just house of cards.

Because it only takes ONE example to gut this claim.

I supported my claim several times.
I even told T4T about THIS specific user whose name already shows a troll account.
And because this example (and others I did not post, because I already supported my claim) does exist, any claim that 100 unique users are on the list is in question.

He decided to ignore it.

Instead, it is again claimed, that the list is reliable.

You see, I don't need to find all sock puppets. That is not how this work. That is not my work.
I don't even expect to find anything out about the accounts who closed their profile to public (and I know some of them had 0 games before it was closed - and it was closed because it was called out in this thread).
But I expect to throw out not existing accounts, if you want to claim reliability.

Instead I just need to find one single example that is not in line with the claim and it is destroyed.

So yeah, at it current state, the list is not reliable at all and we can be only sure about the users with open profiles on that list - who often bought games way after they joined the boycott.
But boycott was already redefined in a very special way anyway.

Anyway, we can be only sure about them being unique users.

Those are not many...

So yeah, I say it is in question if there are 100 unique users are on that list.

AstralWanderer: Also bear in mind those who choose to boycott without going on the list - probably not a huge number but potentially enough to cancel out sockpuppets.
I know people who come back from time to time to troll the forum or have been long gone before because of reasons far away from anything of the official reasons and only came back to get on that list.
People who have been under strong suspicion to use bots and sock puppets...

But it is fun to see how you want to get away from lower numbers because of proven accounts that should be removed by claiming support by heart from invisible others.
BreOl72: Duly noted and reported. Thanks for your public confession.
AstralWanderer: You may wish to (politely) disagree with someone else's viewpoint, but that doesn't make it spam.
And such theatrics waste moderator time better spent on dealing with actual spam.
Unfortunately, I have no other means to report a user who is publicly advocating piracy.

Earlier on, I would have simply clicked the (-) button and then forget about it, but that possibility got taken away from me, because some people here demanded a more confrontational way to handle things.


And (in stark contrast to some others here) I didn't want to go the "stealthy, behind the curtains" way of contacting some blue guy via PM, and "ratting out" another user in secret.

And I'm willing to admit, that it also doesn't help that - if I really wanted to go that way - I would have to change my PM settings first.

I think, forum users should be able to contact (moderating) staffers regardless of their PM settings.

And the solution to this would be so simple: GOG could simply put a separate checkbox in our accounts, to enable PMs with staffers, while still not enabling PMs with other users.

But I'm afraid, we derail T4Ts thread here. We really shouldn't do that.

If you want to continue this discussion, feel free to open a thread with that topic - simply name it appropriately, and I'll chime in.

Edit: typo
Post edited September 05, 2022 by BreOl72
BreOl72: Unfortunately, I have no other means to report a user who is publicly advocating piracy.

Earlier on, I would have simply clicked the (-) button and then forget about it, but that possibility got taken away from me, because some people here demanded a more confrontational way to handle things.
I'll tell you the same thing I told Time4Tea, PM a mod. Clownski_ and ponczo both respond to pms and will address your complaints at this time. I don't know about others, as those are the two I use.
BreOl72: If you want to continue this discussion, feel free to open a thread with that topic - simply name it appropriately, and I'll chime in.
How about we name the thread "Learning the subtle difference between 'Reporting Spam' and 'Spamming Reports (of users I don't like/happen to disagree with)'"

On a slightly less humorous note, you might want to take some time out if gog taking away the precious red button bothers you so much. That's probably a more constructive way of spending your time than trying to get randos banned.
Time4Tea: I would like to re-iterate:

1. This thread is not violating the forum code of conduct.

2. It is purely about GOG, based on objective complaints by users. It is not about promoting or linking to other game stores.

3. The boycott list has been signed by over 100 GOG users.
How much has this list grown since this thread was started, or has it shrunk? If it's the latter or it's stagnant then your boycott's failed by any honest metric and you should be held to account for it's continuation. All you're doing is generating negative sentiment for boycotts in general, which is disgraceful in my opinion.
Post edited September 06, 2022 by richlind33
Time4Tea: I would like to re-iterate:

1. This thread is not violating the forum code of conduct.

2. It is purely about GOG, based on objective complaints by users. It is not about promoting or linking to other game stores.

3. The boycott list has been signed by over 100 GOG users.
richlind33: How much has this list grown since this thread was started, or has it shrunk? If it's the latter or it's stagnant then your boycott's failed by any honest metric and you should be held to account for it's continuation. All you're doing is generating negative sentiment for boycotts in general, which is disgraceful in my opinion.
I tried looking up a few names in the list but many lead to 404 pages or blank screens.
richlind33: How much has this list grown since this thread was started, or has it shrunk? If it's the latter or it's stagnant then your boycott's failed by any honest metric and you should be held to account for it's continuation. All you're doing is generating negative sentiment for boycotts in general, which is disgraceful in my opinion.
wolfsite: I tried looking up a few names in the list but many lead to 404 pages or blank screens.
The point where it *was* growing has long since passed. It was never anything more than a lark. Now? A rash that refuses to go away.
richlind33: The point where it *was* growing has long since passed. It was never anything more than a lark. Now? A rash that refuses to go away.
Why not just ignore it then? If it's so ineffectual it can't possibly be of any concern to you and your posts are just bumping the thread to the top of the forum again.
wolfsite: I tried looking up a few names in the list but many lead to 404 pages or blank screens.
richlind33: The point where it *was* growing has long since passed. It was never anything more than a lark. Now? A rash that refuses to go away.
The thing that makes me laugh is T4T only has like 57 games from GOG. You think he would not care this much about them and just move on with life. Also, I wonder how many people actually bough Devotion once it was released on Dev website. I bet very little.
richlind33: The point where it *was* growing has long since passed. It was never anything more than a lark. Now? A rash that refuses to go away.
HappyPunkPotato: Why not just ignore it then? If it's so ineffectual it can't possibly be of any concern to you and your posts are just bumping the thread to the top of the forum again.
I answered that question in 5644. If that's not good enough for you feel free to take your own advice and ignore my posts.

Thanks in advance.
Syphon72: I wonder how many people actually bough Devotion once it was released on Dev website. I bet very little.
I dunno but I tried to share the release info around.
Syphon72: The thing that makes me laugh is T4T only has like 57 games from GOG. You think he would not care this much about them and just move on with life. Also, I wonder how many people actually bough Devotion once it was released on Dev website. I bet very little.
I have over 500 games in my library and bough Devotion, Detention and the soundtracks off the dev's website. The thing that makes me laugh is that you and your gang aren't just moving on with your lives instead of pestering Time4Tea.

HappyPunkPotato: Why not just ignore it then? If it's so ineffectual it can't possibly be of any concern to you and your posts are just bumping the thread to the top of the forum again.
richlind33: I answered that question in 5644. If that's not good enough for you feel free to take your own advice and ignore my posts.

Thanks in advance.
My advice was to ignore something you thought was just "a rash that refuses to go away" (to quote your description of the thing I suggested you ignore). Is that what you think of your own posts? You requested that Time4Tea should stop talking. Let's think about it who should stop talking / ignore posts here: the person who sterted the thread, the person who cares about its topic or the person who is just being disruptive. Thanks in advance.
richlind33: How much has this list grown since this thread was started, or has it shrunk? If it's the latter or it's stagnant then your boycott's failed by any honest metric and you should be held to account for it's continuation. All you're doing is generating negative sentiment for boycotts in general, which is disgraceful in my opinion.
wolfsite: I tried looking up a few names in the list but many lead to 404 pages or blank screens.
If you go for max privacy in your account settings, you will disable your "public profile", which means everyone will get a 404 when trying to access your profile. Right now, if I mouseover your avatar and click "view profile", I also get a 404 when trying to access []. So that's also your case.
Post edited September 07, 2022 by Hollyhock
wolfsite: I tried looking up a few names in the list but many lead to 404 pages or blank screens.
Hollyhock: If you set max privacy in your account settings, others will get a 404 when trying to access your profile. Right now, if I mouseover your avatar and click "view profile", I also get a 404 when trying to access [].
It's not the same with deleted accounts.
As you can see, wolfsite's account doesn't lead to a 404, which means his account is active, but is simply hidden from other's view.
Deleted accounts jump to a 404 message.

Edit: see attachment to see what I mean
Post edited September 07, 2022 by BreOl72
Hollyhock: If you set max privacy in your account settings, others will get a 404 when trying to access your profile. Right now, if I mouseover your avatar and click "view profile", I also get a 404 when trying to access [].
BreOl72: It's not the same with deleted accounts.
As you can see, wolfsite's account doesn't lead to a 404, which means his account is active, but is simply hidden from other's view.
Deleted accounts jump to a 404 message.
That's strange.

I do get a 404 when trying to access wolfsite's account. The rest of the site works fine for me. Maybe opting out having a public profile means I don't get to see the profiles of others?

EDITED: Oh, now I see. The image you uploaded was very informative.
Post edited September 07, 2022 by Hollyhock