randomuser.833: Welcome to the USA.
Violence, blood, body parts, massacres?
No problem as long as the body part is not a naked female breast...
At the same time the biggest supplier of porn.
Btw, its funny to see where this thread is heading now...
Time4Tea: I was going to make a comment that the discussion about sexual content was off-topic for the thread, but then realized that a discussion about censorship is actually quite relevant, given the Devotion issue. However, I feel like preventing adult content from getting into the hands of children is quite a different case to political or artistic censorship.
I mean, adult content is called 'adult' for a reason - because it is not suitable for children. I am a parent myself and to me it seems perfectly normal and reasonable to want to prevent children from coming into contact with sexual content. For example, Nickelodeon doesn't show porn because it is specifically aimed at children. That isn't censorship. That is them making a decision about who their target audience is and being responsible.
So, my take on this whole 'porn game'/sexual thing for GOG is that really its a decision that GOG needs to make about what their target audience is. I have no problem with seeing adult games on the front page, if GOG is aiming to be an 'adult' games store. But then, they are going to be flagged as an adult store, by parents and by agencies that compile child browsing filters. If they want to be seen as more 'family-friendly' and target children, then they would have to either not host the adult games, or do a very good job of hiding them away and/or putting in place strong age restrictions so that kids can't access that stuff.
Again, it's really a choice for GOG to make - there's no right or wrong answer there. But, they cant really have it both ways - either they are aiming to be family-friendly or they are aiming to be adult.
Something you might not know.
Maybe because you are looking at it from a very US centric perspective.
Violent content, let it be movies or games, are seen as an adult thing in germany.
While hard core pornography is nothing for children, softer things are often considered for 16 years old here.
For example Game of Thrones is FSK ("voluntary" self control of the tv and movie industry - if they wouldn't do it voluntary and acceptable to the government somebody else would do it...) is 16.
Not so much because of the many naked tits you see or the sex, but more because of all the violence, including sexual violence.
And we got a similar thing to the FSK for games, called USK.
There are several USK steps, including 16 and 18 and not labled (18+ with more restrictions).
We got so many 18+ games on GoG...
We gernans see "adult" content on GoG for many years now.
So, arguing with "I fear my children might see adult content here and I don't want it" feels hypocritical for most ears from europe (and even more german ones), because we got a lot of adult content here before...
While we even had games with sexual content for a long time here. Larry and Biing want to greet you.
The only difference is, it was blood, violence and gore most of the time.
Please enlighten me, where is the difference? Because I don't see it.
Is a Wolfenstrein, that is about shooting Nazi heads into pieces better suited for the front page than some hentai game that does not even take itself serious?
Is Shadow Warrior, where you cut demons into pieces, better suited?
For real?
Btw, I would love GoG bringing up some verification system, because for now some games are blocked in germany vor different reasons.
GoG was always a storefront for adult old timers...