Maxximus_McClane: Maybe it's just me, but does anyone else notice that the bonus goodies for games that are released on lately are either non existant or minimal.
real.geizterfahr: I just need to have a look at the bonus goodies of "Fallout Classic" from my shelf and compare them with the goodies listed on the store page of "Fallout".
On my shelf: Manual
HD wallpaper
Fallout series wallpaper
Fallout Bible
Reference card
Vault Boy avatars
On the store page: manual
But they also don't sell those items seperately, do they?
So they are not even trying to make money off those materials.
Asbeau: Wow, really? Can you give some examples of games that sell manuals as DLC?
nightcraw1er.488: Had this discussion in several posts before, can't remember the name of the one provided to me now, but I was quite suprised as well, was just joking when I posted back then, but someone provided the name of a game which had the manual as seperate DLC. If only the search functionality worked here.
In an age where basic gameplay mechanics are affected by microtransactions, and integral parts of game are sliced and later sold as DLCs, nothing seems outrageous anymore. It's a sad state indeed.