Now if only D&D 5e didn't suck.
Quite frankly i own the system and it lacks the necessary granularity to be any good.
In fact the worst part of it is the core principle that things should be a) bound (such as an AC ceiling) and b) be simplified to a advantage / disadvantage base (which in itself is essentially a +5/-5 which is a rather sledgehammer style adjust).
Then you have all the spells which are all over the shop power wise once you hit 3rd level spells; the fact illusion magic is utterly useless by raw.
It's like they had an idea of what they wanted and a game everybody loved; and then ham fisted their way not back to the latter but their 'golden standard' of 4e that everybody hated.
Multiclassing sucks.
There is a return essentially of the cooldown abilities (this time with short rests).
Characters are no longer heroes, more like the tavern keeper sticking their hand up for the french foreign legion.
Gold is practically useless; I'd be surprised if BG3 allowed you to spend it on elephants like you can in the players handbook and then use them IN combat.
The one thing they should of simplified and didn't was the spell list; which should of been changed so that spell titles implicate the effect and had base effects that are then adjusted upon (eg. touch/ranged touch/projectile; ray/cone/blast; energy type; duration instant/round/concentrate) thus shortening the spell list overall.
Now every character is a kitchen sink nobody, background dishpig out to save the world for useless gold.
I mean check out what happened to drow as a race in order to shoehorn it into the base races; they use to be basically abyssal elves with strong stats, inate spell like abilities and magical resistances.
Oh you can have the narrative we don't mind, but your just a slightly more charismatic elf now... wtf?!?
And before you go 'pfft minmaxer' the fact of the matter is more granularity is more customization/personalization and scale as far as challenges go.
Long story short BG3 will completely suck with an accurate D&D 5e rule base.
Now we have a narrative focus with cheap shot combat that is in fact the core of D&D gameplay due to the xp system.
Engerek01: It is true 5th edition D&D with every skill included. As far as I know, it is the first "true" implementation of a D&D ruleset. That's one of the main reasons I am so excited and hopeful about the game.
zazak09: Did you notice how initiative works in the demo? That's not how true D&D is played.
Also you should check out
The Temple of Elemental Evil. It's a nearly perfect adaption of 3.5 edition rules.
This was actually good the only problem it had was that it tapped out at level 10 and most D&D is probably best played level 3 till 16.