welp there goes my intrest in even wanting to be active in this forum. nice rules, yep uh huh let me tell moderators of forums something, it's a very very simple concept too understand really. PEOPLE. DO. NOT. LIKE. OVERBEARING. RULES. AND. MODERATION.
well shit I mean i guess people do considering the likes of reddit and others are so popular so i guess, people love shackles on their freedom of speech/expression. but geez I guess what do I and the other thousands of people who left countless forums in the past know right? even fucking imageboards are getting too tyrannical now.
guess I'll just stay in my very few discord servers that allow us to say whatever the fuck we want because apperantly the only places with free speech nowadays are closed small internet groups because snowflakes, soyboys and (((you know who))) rule the internet now.
final word, I swear too god. if you people put the same restrictions onto the storefront SOMEHOW, I'm done with this site, say goodbye too my money.
put senran kagura on gog, you assholes.
that was a good rant, I feel good.
Atlantico: Steam doesn't have a General Discussion forum. Imagine if they did. Oh boy.
I don't even wanna THINK about that... jesus...