plagren: The latest Firefox isn't compatible with any useful extensions. Why would you use Firefox if you can't have extensions? That's as pointless as drinking non-alcoholic beer.
I don't know, I used to have 10-15 extensions all the time, but last ~5 years I get AdBlock, dictionaries for spellcheck for the languages I write in often, and that's probably all. Checking the true state: "dark breeze" (theme to make it look like my desktop), "HTML validator" and "Nuke anything" (oh, that one *is* essential, like AdBlock). Everything else somehow evaporated from my sight, not remembering what they were (one of the coloured tabs was must-have before for me, but now I'm somehow not truly missing it, maybe it's the dark theme, which looks so good to me (easy on eyes), that I even give up the colours I used to identify tabs... then again the favicons work for me quite well lately too).
So *I* somehow live with it and actually I don't mind that much... After all, the less time I spend on web, the more time I can spend doing something more productive, so if some of missing extensions turned my web-time down, even better.
Of course I can fully understand your stance, and I support you, I don't like these "cut down" versions of modern SW at all. At least "Quantum" promised some performance gains thanks to the more lighweight build, and I didn't notice opposite, which is sort of success nowadays. Maybe it's even truly lighter. Then again since the moment Firefox tried to push the address bar under tabs, like Chrome has, I lost all my hope for it (and that's another thing I have to always fix after firefox install, in certain versions I had to manually edit the CSS files of the browser UI, when there were no working extensions available). At this moment I still use it, because I don't like any other option, but there were times when Firefox felt truly dear to me...
Also there are non-alcoholic beer drinkers, BTW (not me, I don't drink any alcohol, and I don't like taste of beer). JFYI, that people have different needs and taste. I have for example no problem to understand, that you really want all your extensions, but that's probably unfair, because I was in similar position too (then again removing the old insecure APIs from web browsers is making my extensions-life more complicated, but my paranoia is getting more under control ... as a programmer I have unfortunately very good idea, what is *possible* with modern SW, so removal of things like Flash? I'm for it. Then again the JS issue is unfixable at this moment, as people actually want pages fully dynamic, so things like crypto-mining in browser by some rogue script are sometimes possible... it started as static page viewer, and now web browser is small OS inside OS. I don't find that particularly good idea.
----------------- enough rambling...
I did check front page of GOG again, and seems like they removed all videos from it, at least that's how it assembled for me just now (I think it may depend on which games are displayed, and also on particular game page, the series/similar/.. games listed toward bottom did try to load youtube, so it's not gone completely).
So I tried to roam around the front page for a bit, the card jumping out on hover is decent, not annoying me, and the page as whole seems now lot more consistent and static, not trying to surprise me when I want to reach some point on it (although the initial loading must finish, and that takes some time, that page could be delivered probably in 1/10 of data, would somebody optimize it properly).
It feels quite good, again... thanks GOG. Now please do some reasonable research, if design like this works better or worse compared to automatic videos, but if you have real numbers that videos are better, than I don't want to live on this planet any more... :)