timppu: If I find even one person who likes the game (and isn't the developer's mother), and has good arguments for liking it, I might buy it. After all, I simply love Far Cry 2 even though 99% of the world's population seems to hate it.
jepsen1977: Far Cry 2 is awesome!
Really? Having played 1 (the best), then 3, primal, 4 (rated in order), and some of 2, I would say 2 is easily the worst in the series. Graphically is is brown, everything was brown (note I didn't play for that long, just the first few missions). It seemed to consist of drive across the map to point A, destroy things, then drive back to point B. Then repeat, then repeat, then repeat... It just lacked anything to really make it stand out, 3 had the nice environment, an interesting story, and a few more things to do, primal had really scary wildlife and some lovely hunting at night, 4 had a really nice scenery and some new elements. 2 just didn't have any of that. 1 is more of an old school shooter, so quite different from the others.
Yes, I apologise deviating from the thread title, but NMS is shit, always has been, always will be, and the only patch that would make any difference to it would be one to remove it from existence.