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low rated
BanditKeith2: A game ip many has started to write off on Buying lately is Shadow Warriors 3 as its become known they donated a large sum to a agenda driven with a axe to grinda Anita Sarkeseen(sp?) who is a misandrist AKA a iman-hater or in otherwords sexist towards men rather then what she claims to be .. Aswell as for far-lest American extremist mindset on racial matters the devs bought into or atleast claimed to (unsure which) as they clearly had in 15 minutate gameplay reveal shown they had Shadoows 2013 and Shadow Warriors 2 VA doing the voice work and even the EA teaser trailer.. yet after they caved the replaced that va with a VA that was purely cast for his race rather then his skill they even admitted it in fact by saying it was a mistake they was correcting in the third game.. Despite the irony here is they didn't even get the right race/ethnical background despite the fact not being sure of that makes the matter they claimed to care about makes em look worse
Jorev: That's helpful information. Thank you for that.
I definitely will not buy Shadow Warrior 3 then.

Do you think they were coerced into giving her money out of fear like some companies sadly do, or do you believe they did so because they support her ideology?
My guess is a mix like the old staff was doing so out of fear and worry for the most part same with the claims where as the newer staff was all for it as the images we have of the newer staff is the sterotypical'' hippy/new age staff/ change everything while claiming they lose something but need everything changed '' sorts that was in media from the 80's and 90's even some early 2000's media as yes the new staff look and sound like the new age textbook examples of such even thier social media looks like that and clips of em talking sound like that sterotypical sort too ..Which goes to show the age old saying''sterotypes exist for a reason '' true in this case
low rated
Sachys: Will you please just fuggov with the dumb political threads, ya empty headed castration!?!
Jorev: Why do you fear free speech?
Do you lack the self-control not to read it?

It is by definition a legitimate gaming thread written by a legitimate gaming site.

Forum rules of conduct:
Always treat others with kindness and respect, even if you don’t agree with them.
Stay on topic, don’t intentionally derail threads, don’t troll, don’t spam.
Use appropriate language.
Do not intentionally insult or offend others.
We don’t tolerate hate speech, intimidation, harassment, sexual, racial, or ethnic slurs, and discrimination.

You have violated quite a few rules Sachys.
Hypocrisy knows no boundaries with you.
But unlike you I won't insist you be silenced.
He's been warned before. Tell the mods
low rated
Sachys: Will you please just fuggov with the dumb political threads, ya empty headed castration!?!
What do you have against castrated people? Are you transphobic?

LaTaleFanatic1985: Don't forget TLOU2
How can I forget something I don't even know what it means?
The Little Outhouse User 2?
Post edited February 24, 2022 by timppu
Closing this thread, as it's clearly created to stir a political discussion. If you see a thread like this, please report it to the moderation team instead of engaging, and as always remain civil. Please keep our Code of Conduct in mind before posting.