Sir.Tomato: Could a moderator ban the Russian troll union spreading cheap putler propaganda on the forum pls. Not in the mood reading dilusional (or paid) diaria from brainwashed(or paid) people.
Thank you in advance.
Plumb: I don't see how banning someone here would help anything. Is this how you deal with problems all the time?
Summon the guards to have alternative opinions disappeared? No talking, just ban and censor?
You ever thought maybe someone wants you banned as well? Should they do that?
I'm noticing a disturbing trend in the so called Western World. Too much pointing fingers at others while their own democracy fades into memory. backing nazis, censoring speech, putting journalists in jail.
FUN TIMES in the land of the free!
I am eastern European(not Austrian as my profile states, for some reason gog takes my location even though I tried many times to change it). So I am not westener. As such I am very familiar with how Russian propaganda works. Fabricating the facts, corrupting government officials to do their bitting, financing criminal organisations, thus generally manipulating public opinion and keeping a county dependant and submissive. The propaganda you are exposed here once is something you can read, see on tv on daily bassis in my home country.
In addition, I used to have a contact with a lot of Russian tourists (worked In the past in tourism). Sadly many of the Russians (not all tough of course) firmly believe that all of the ex east block countries nations owe them their existence and must surve the russian political ambitions even if their are against their own interests. Not on one occasion I heard statements in this manner directly.
So I am sick and tired of reading bullshit.
So that is that. Hope that is satisfactory answer.
P.s. never voted for far right or far left political parties. Voted sofar only for center right democrats.