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Display SHA-1, MD5 or CRC-32 hashes to verify the downloaded parts

Added by Meister_Knobi's avatar Meister_Knobi Meister_Knobi's avatar Meister_Knobi Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.

I have often troubble with downloads (Browser and Galaxy)(Bad internet) and to be sure that there are no problems with the download it would be great if gog website and/or the Galaxy Client would show me SHA-1, MD5 or CRC-32 hashes.

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TheDameon TheDameon Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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Been a while since this was requested, but still not implemented. Is there a complication we're not understanding?

May. 3, 2024
lookingfor lookingfor Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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I fully agree with the request.
Some offline installers offer a CRC check before installation, but not all and it requires to actually INSTALL the product.
So either a file with CRC32/MD5 codes should be made available by GOG or the installer should contain a button to check the files WITHOUT the need to install.
Both should be fairly simple to achieve but would help immensely.

Jan. 14, 2023
uchristensen uchristensen Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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It would be very helpful when downloading multiple offline installers to be able to verify downloads en masse. I'd be sorely unhappy if the games I downloaded for offline storage/backup have errors.

Aug. 4, 2018
African_wildlife African_wildlife Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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GOG should display both most common and secure hash algorithms.

Sep. 27, 2017
African_wildlife African_wildlife Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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@Haringat Being able to verify downloaded files. A very important feature, data on a hard drive can become corrupted.

Sep. 27, 2017
Haringat Haringat Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profile View wishlist Start conversation Invite to friends Invite to friends Accept invitation Accept invitation Pending invitation... User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public. You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings. You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him. You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
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The installer already tells you when a part has an error (and which one) so where exactly is the need in this?

Jul. 9, 2017